February 28th, 2024
Returning proper options for the User lists when it's used in the segment
Showing floating point numbers and integer product attributes in product events when their value is 0
Not filtering product events per product
Ignoring the invited agent with the same name as another active agent when assigning the activities with the CSV importer
Showing info about no notifications in the Notifications panel
Changing the information about no event attributes in the list of event attributes
Showing all the conversations in the Inbox when changing the category and removing the conversations multiple times
Showing conversations' loader below the conversations list in the Inbox
Showing User with a hardbounce attribute in the User profile
Sorting options in the Manage in all sections except the People section
Made the Filters dropdown stays open after selecting an agent in the Deals kanban view
Shipment type selection is required when creating the email campaign
Showing information about new conversations in the Inbox
Adding the ability to add names to each REST API, FCM and Mobile SDK key
New features:
Adding Remove tags option in the Manage in the People section
Showing all the set Timing options for the automation in the automations' list